Follow along as we guide you step-by-step how to create these exciting finishes with superior Faux Effects products. Our seasoned "Pro's" will have you finishing your homes and projects with flair in no time!

ShimmerCoat™ how to Video
ShimmerCoat™ is a shimmering clear glaze containing highly reflective particles

WallSilk™ How To Video
WallSilk™ is a unique decorative product that replicates the look, feel and elegance of raw silk and other exquisite fabrics.

GalaxyStone™ How To Video
Galaxy Stone™ is a revolutionary luminescent architectural coating formulated for both interior and exterior use.

Adobe Mineral Paint™ How To Video
All natural Adobe Mineral Paint is a soft, matte, light absorbing wall finish..

FauxCrete™ How To Video
Use FauxCrete™ to create a beautiful, durable veneer over any properly prepared surface.
Keep checking this page as we continue to add new instructional videos to the library